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Galactic Empire Control Panel v2

Copyright ©2018-2019 by Dave Walton
All Rights Reserved

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27 May 2019: GECP v2.1.0 released.

This release unveils a complete rewrite of the command parser to increase the power and flexibility of typed commands, and commands in macros. Besides improving the internal handling of GECP commands such as 'route' and 'explore', this also allows intercepting and enhancing built-in GE commands. Currently, GE's maneuvering and cargo handling commands have been enhanced.

Along with that big change, there have been many small fixes and improvements, thanks in part to valuable assistance from players Leo and Sean.

24 Nov 2018: GECP v2.0.0 (the "What I wanted years ago" edition) has been released!

The focus of this release has been the tasks below. As a result, the main screen of GECP is largely the same as the original, with some improvements. There is certainly room for a lot of work on the UI. But for now we have:


Main program window
The main screen of GECP.
The black region across the top holds scanner data to keep it from scrolling away. At the upper right corner is the indicator panel, which shows the status of various ship systems. Across the center of the screen is the hailing window, where messages from other ships will appear. Above that is the dashboard, which displays your location, course, speed, autopilot details, and a few quick settings for various commands. The bottom half of the screen is the main display of text from the game. And at the very bottom is the command entry bar, which prevents your typing from blocking incoming data by not sending anything to the BBS until you hit <ENTER>.
You can see on the scanner here, that there is a cluster of ships near me. It's hard to tell exactly what's going on, but the data suggests I may have angered them.
Map window
The new map window.
Here the same data is displayed with much more impact, and it is obvious that, yes, I may have a problem.
The green line is my escape route. GECP calculated that as the shortest route to the galactic center, making use of a nearby wormhole. The black squares are sectors which have been explored, containing planets, owned planets, and wormholes (connected by magenta lines). And the yellow line is the galactic border. The color of the ships depends on their class. Red is for classes used for Cybertron ships by default, and yellow is for classes used for Human players by default. However, the BBS Sysop is able to make changes, and in this case a few classes normally reserved for Humans have been assigned to Cybertrons.
Map window
The map at a closer zoom.
This is a closer view of the area around the Neutral Zone. You can see that at this zoom level, sectors are labeled with their numbers, and planets which have been scanned at impulse speed have their environment and resources quality displayed. Also, at the lower left, you can see one of my planets, which are displayed green and slightly larger in order to stand out from other planets.
Map window
The sector map.
Here we are zoomed in all the way on the Neutral Zone. At closer levels like this, the planet names and commanders are displayed. You can also see here how GECP's autopilot parks you at a planet facing away, for safe departure.

This site and its contents are Copyright © 2002-2018 by Dave Walton.
All rights reserved.